A Dog Bite Lawyer Can Help You Recover from Your Devastating Emotional and Physical Injuries
For those who have not been bitten by a dog, it may be difficult to appreciate just how severe a dog bite injury can be. Dogs, particularly larger dogs, can cause significant damage and injury to a person. In fact, many dog bite cases may be more accurately described as dog mauling cases. Unfortunately, many dog bites are disproportionately severe because the victims are small children who are particularly vulnerable. A dog bite lawyer at our Salt Lake City, UT, law firm have decades of experience handling these types of claims, and make up the personal injury group of Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC - a focused team of attorneys who specialize in nothing but personal injury litigation. Should you require counsel or representation as a result of a dog bite injury, you can trust our team to meet your needs. To arrange a complimentary consultation, please don't hesitate to contact our law firm online today or call (801) 335-6467. We serve clients from throughout Utah and surrounding areas.
Award-Winning Personal Injury Attorneys
Serious Injuries From Dog Bites
A dog bite can result in a range of injuries, varying in severity. In severe cases, dog bites and dog mauling incidents can even result in death. Even "minor" dog bite incidents may cause:
- Infection
- Puncture wounds
- Blood loss
- Disfigurement
- Nerve damage
- Muscle damage.
If your son or daughter has been severely injured by a dog, or you have suffered a severe dog bite injury, you have rights. Allow the dog bite lawyers at our Salt Lake City law office to help.

Common Causes of Dog Bites
Even dogs that are typically well-behaved can be unpredictable and prone to aggression. Any number of factors can result in a dog bite injury. For this reason, dog owners and property owners have a legal obligation to protect other parties from attack. Under the principle of strict liability, any dog bite injury, regardless of the cause, is grounds for a claim being filed against the appropriate party. Common causes of dog bite injury include:
- Prey behavior
- Territorial behavior
- Redirected aggression
- Hunger
- Sickness or injury
- Fear of injury
All of these factors can contribute to a dog biting a person. These cover a wide gamut of potential risk factors, therefore dog owners should keep their dogs leashed at all times when in public and maintain control of their animals.
Younker Hyde Macfarlane has a network of more than 1,000 experts that we can call upon to determine fault and estimate appropriate damages.
Potential Damages
If you have suffered a severe dog bite injury or a family member such as a child has been bitten by a dog, our team can work with you to see that you receive just and fair financial compensation. In many cases, the victim may pursue compensation for:
- Surgical treatment: Initial treatment of the injury, revisional surgeries, and reconstructive surgeries can cost your family tens of thousands of dollars.
- Current and future medical expenses: If your injuries are catastrophic, they can require long-term rehabilitation and therapy.
- Current and future loss of wages: Your injury can restrict your ability to work or perform the same job functions as you did prior to your injury.
- Permanent disability or disfigurement: If the injury is severe, it may result in amputation, loss of limb, and permanent scarring.
- Pain and suffering: The emotional trauma caused by a dog bite injury can make your eligible for non-economic damages. These losses are more difficult to prove and require the help of an aggressive lawyer.
Though every case is unique, the dog bite lawyers at our Salt Lake City practice will work diligently to maximize your recovery. In the tragic event of a loved one's death, we can help you file a wrongful death claim and recover expenses for funeral damages and loss of consortium.
Determining Liability in Your Case
Though laws vary by state, dog bite cases in Utah are handled on a principle of strict liability. There are no "free dog bites" and no excuses. If a dog bite injury occurs, the dog's owner, property owner, or both can be held liable for damages. Typically, we will file suit against a homeowner's insurance policy or a third party, such as a management business or real estate developer. If fault can be explicitly attributed to one party, there may be a reduction in liability. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your case, you can trust that we will work with experts to establish liability and file a claim against the appropriate party. Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC has a network of more than 1,000 experts that we can call upon to determine fault and estimate appropriate damages.
Schedule a Consultation
Do you have questions regarding your rights? Do you suffer from mounting financial burdens and pain and suffering due to a dog bite injury? We encourage you to schedule a free consultation with our team of lawyers by calling us at (801) 335-6467 or sending us an online submission.