Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC

Hospital Falls

Feb 22, 2017 @ 04:00 PM — by
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Patient Falls


Falling is a danger that many patients face during hospital stays. Hospital falls and falls in nursing homes have become increasingly common. Every year in the United States, between 700,000 and 1,000,000 people experience falls in hospitals. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every five falls results in serious or life-threatening injuries. These injuries add additional pain, suffering, and recovery time to whatever condition the patient had that was the basis of the hospital stay in the first place. Facilities often have internal policies and procedures to identify high risk patients and implement mechanisms to prevent those patients from falling.

Who is a High-Risk Patient? 

Falls can be accidental when they occur among low risk patients and are due to circumstances such as tripping over tubing or medical equipment, falling out of bed, or falling due to an environmental hazard, such as a wet floor. There are also anticipated falls that can be attributed to underlying patient risk factors. Unanticipated falls occur among patients who are low risk, but suffer an adverse event, such as fainting, stroke, heart attack, or seizure. Behavior falls are also common, these occur when a patient gets unruly or acts out for one reason or another, or falls on purpose.

Protentional Fall Injuries Include:

Unfortunately, physicians, nurses, and other staff often violate policies and procedures meant to prevent patient falls. If you or a loved one has suffered from a fall, that could have been prevented, while receiving care or medical attention, you may have a valid medical malpractice claim against your provider. The team at Younker Hyde Macfarlane has significant experience representing persons injured by falls and medical malpractice.

How Can Hospitals Reduce the Risk of Patients Falling?

By taking the right steps, hospitals can greatly reduce the chances of a patient falling and suffering a serious injury. This is critical because a fall can drastically alter a patient’s quality of life; it is even possible for a patient to suffer fatal injuries from a fall. It is also important to make sure all providers in a hospital are aware of a patient's risk of falling.  That way, if a new provider or a nurse is pulled in to assist with a patient in passing, they can quickly learn the severity of a patient's risk for falling.  

Our Attorneys Can Help You

Given the complexity and severity of medical malpractice injuries, it is important to contact an attorney quickly if you have experienced a fall while receiving care.  A patient can be badly hurt from a fall in the hospital. Injuries from falling can exacerbate the preexisting condition, or it can cause a whole new set of health problems. The attorneys at Younker Hyde Macfarlane will assist you in evaluating and prosecuting all valid claims you may have.

Contact the Medical Malpractice Team at Younker Hyde Macfarlane

When a patient fall is the result of negligence, the patient may file a claim for damages. For more information about your legal options related to your fall and medical malpractice, please contact our team of medical malpractice attorneys today. The legal team at Younker Hyde Macfarlane will fight diligently for you and your legal needs.